Downloading search results from WoS

Shell script

IRCO version >= 0.9 provide the irco-scrape command to download search results from the Web of Science database. The usage of the command is simple:

irco-scrape <search-id> path/to/output/directory

Where <search-id> has to be replaced with the WoS search id, as found in the URL (under the named GET parameter SID).


To simplify the construction of the command, along with its correct <search-id> parameter, you can add the link below to the bookmarks of your browser (normally it suffices to drag & drop it to the bookmarks bar):

Download WoS results

You can then open it while displaying the search results page to get a popup window containing the command to run. Note that you still have to copy & paste the command into a shell and run it.


This command currenly just downloads the files to the given folder. You still have to manually import them using the irco-import command.